The development of the healthcare system is one of the U.S. government’s priorities. In 2016, America’s spending in this area amounted to 3.3 trillion dollars, which amounted to 10,348 dollars per person – significantly more than the spending of other developed countries. And if we analyze the market for today’s U.S. pharmacology, we can see that half of all recently created medical drugs come from the United States. But it is important to make a remark here – many of the doctors and scientists who have succeeded in this business in America are not always Americans. This country attracts the best foreigners for education and work due to the numerous programs, grants, and salaries, the level of which significantly exceeds the salaries of doctors from other countries.
American medicine is ideal for those for whom the most important thing is a comfortable patient-physician interaction. The country leads the world in confidentiality and respectful treatment of patients, as well as timely assistance and satisfaction of patients’ needs. In addition, U.S. medicine has a well-functioning system of quality control, where patients’ rights and their relationship with their doctor are closely monitored. If the doctor is mistaken, the patient is at once provided with services of specialized lawyers who can help receive large financial compensation.
Pros and cons
But the increased focus on legal aspects does not always allow for proper development of the necessary areas, which is why for the last ten years the United States has consistently ranked only in the top three in the world in terms of the level of medical care and the overall health of the nation. However, here already strongly interferes a rather unhealthy system of nutrition of many people living in America, which significantly affects the condition of the people. But American medicine has such qualities as stability and rapid response to changing conditions. As we know, America lost a lot of people in the coronavirus pandemic, but this country remains the flagship in creating the latest effective medical developments to combat the virus.